Please give what you can today

Gaza Crisis Appeal

The terrifying escalation of violence in Gaza and Israel has taken a terrible toll on Israeli and Palestinian civilians and left people in Gaza in desperate need.

People have lost loved ones, houses, income. At least a million of them have had to flee their homes. This is now a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

Please donate what you can today to help our teams respond to help the people of Gaza as soon as it’s safe.

Last updated: 23 October 2023

What is Oxfam doing in Gaza?

Oxfam partners have begun a small distribution of soap, shampoo, menstrual products and toothpaste but the scale of need and logistical chaos pose massive challenges to humanitarian response.

The water situation is desperate. The UN Water and Sanitation cluster, of which Oxfam is a member, says that only three litres of water a day are now available per person in Gaza. The World Health Organisation recommends one person needs between 50-100 litres of water each day to meet basic health requirements.

When it's safe, our response will include providing people with clean water, sanitation and hygiene items, rehabilitation of water and wastewater networks that have been destroyed in the bombing, food and other essential household items for people who have lost their homes or their incomes. If emergency shelters are created, the team will provide support to people accommodated there.

The situation is extremely tense and getting darker... Handling my kids really is my priority. Handling how they deal with the fear... Just trying to keep them safe, just manage their screams when they hear the bombings.”

– Najla Shawa, Oxfam Country Relations Manager based in Gaza.

What's happening in Gaza?

We’ve reached a point where midwives are having to assist in delivering babies over the phone, as there’s no security even in childbirth. Our plan is to deliver aid as soon as roads open up... We’re in constant contact with those on the ground, awaiting any chance to help.”

– Spokesperson from one of Oxfam’s partners, Palestine Medical Relief Society

How can you help Gaza?

Call for a ceasefire and humanitarian access now.

Join us as we call for an immediate ceasefire, so our staff and partners can reach those in desperate need, and a path to real and lasting peace for Palestinian and Israeli people.

Humanitarian aid must be allowed to flow immediately, in safety, to those people most in need. All humanitarian operations are effectively frozen and it is impossible for agencies like Oxfam to restart them in the face of bombs and rockets.

Oxfam strongly urges all parties to immediately cease all military offensives and maintain restraint to prevent further escalation of violence that will only harm innocent civilians on both sides. The surge in military escalation underscores the persistent failure of leaders to address the prolonged occupation and Gaza blockade.”

– Mustafa Tmaizi, Oxfam Acting Country Director in OPT and Israel

Donate so we can respond through our partners already in Gaza

Any donation you make will help us respond as soon as it’s safe. Our decision to respond in any crisis is always driven by humanitarian need alone. Even before this escalation, 80% of people living in Gaza relied on aid.

A donation from you can help Oxfam staff and partners respond in Gaza as soon as it’s safe to do so. Please donate what you can today.

Gaza risks becoming a breeding ground for cholera and other diseases. The situation for civilians is already intolerable. Our staff are telling us that in some cases, there are up to 70 people crammed into a single room. Humanitarian aid must be allowed into Gaza now.”

– Amitabh Behar, Oxfam International Interim Executive Director

Why we are not responding in Israel

The violence perpetrated on Israeli civilians by Hamas was appalling and Oxfam condemns the attacks in the strongest terms.

Our decision to respond in any crisis is always driven by humanitarian need alone.

The Israeli government and local and national organisations currently have the capacity to meet needs in Israel. Oxfam’s appeal is therefore focused on providing help to Gaza, though we are monitoring the situation in Israel carefully.

What is Oxfam’s position on the conflict?

We condemn all attacks, violence and targeting of Palestinian and Israeli civilians. Attacks that target civilians are never justifiable. All parties must respect international law and cease their attacks. We have witnessed the deadliest day for civilians in the history of modern Israel and the deadliest year in the West Bank since UN records began. The cycle of violence must end.

This conflict isn’t new. Even before these attacks, 8 out of 10 people in Gaza were reliant on international aid. For 16 years, Palestinians have lived under Israeli-enforced blockade in Gaza, with most people unable to leave at all.

Civilians on both sides continue to pay the price for the failure of their leaders to resolve a conflict which has led to the longest occupation in modern history. Unless the international community actively works to address these root causes that have been the catalyst for this new round of hostilities, this cycle of denial of rights and violence will only continue.

It’s time to speak out and say that every life Palestinian and Israeli should be valued and treated with humanity. And that we refuse to be divided in our call for lasting peace and justice. We are calling on our government to hear us and act.

We’ll keep updating this page with more information about our response through our partners in Gaza.

Frequently asked questions

Nothing can justify violence towards civilians. Anyone held captive must be released.

Oxfam is an impartial organisation with rigorous controls in place to ensure assistance we provide gets to the people who need it most. We have no links to Hamas. Hamas does not control, direct or influence our work, and no Oxfam funding goes to Hamas. Oxfam either works directly or via trusted partner organisations, which are carefully vetted.

We deeply appreciate anyone’s desire to support our work and would love for you to volunteer in one of our shops too. Our shops provide a way to welcome people in our communities, including people who have been forced to flee conflict and disaster. Please visit our volunteering page to find out more.

Oxfam buys items locally or from countries in the affected region. This stimulates the local economy and has less environmental impact. That's why a cash donation is one of the most effective ways to support Oxfam's emergency work.

How we spend your money

For every $1 you donate to this emergency appeal, we will allocate 9p of your donation to cover general support and running costs. There is a small chance that we will raise more money than is needed for this appeal. If this happens, we'll spend any additional funds on other Oxfam projects — wherever the need is greatest.